Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Slovak SPA
main actual Kriváň 2014 - 2nd Summer Meeting of Screen Printers

Kriváň 2014 - 2nd Summer Meeting of Screen Printers

Slovak SDPA in cooperation with reklama BARTOS Ltd. Trencin and Kasi, Bratislava Companies organised on 3rd - 5th July 2014 2nd Summer Meeting of Screen Printers with the aim to discuss technology, business and share information and best practice attracting 16 participants - plus one young potential future printer - Martin Bartos (4 years old).

Important day of the meeting was Friday 4th July 2014 - Screen Printer Community climbed Kriváň Mountain (altitude 2 495 m ) to enjoy High Tatras and print T-shirts.
To climb up and down took about 11 hours but the fantastic view was worth the effort.

In short to say:  Golden Eagle, the king of sky in the High Tatras, flying round and looking down shook his head in disbelief what he saw and family of mountain marmots was whistling making salute while the Community was walking down.

Please enjoy the atmosphere and visit




               The Slovak Mountain T´Shirt Printers

               by Bill Appleton



               A T´Shirt fell from the sky!

               It had been printed very high...


               The printers stood on the mountain top

               Where all around was a shear drop!


               With expert ease, this moment they sized...


               Upon a rock they did lie

               A T´Shirt from their supply


               And with one bold squeegee stroke...

               „Which was a credit to the bloke“


               A T´Shirt was printed

               Nothing was stinted


               It was beautifly printed and would show...


               That no obstacle can stand in their way

               This is no „ordinary“ T´Shirt, you will say

               And they have certainly earned their pay!


               And so, before they go...

              „Give them three cheers“

               As they tramp back down through the snow.


              For they have a long way to go.



               Bill Appleton, Autumn 2014






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