Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Slovak SPA
main actual 4th HighMountain Printed T-shirt, Veľký Rozsutec 2016

4th HighMountain Printed T-shirt, Veľký Rozsutec 2016

Slovak SDPA organised last Saturday 2nd July 2016 special event under the name of  4th HighMountain Printed T-shirt, Veľký Rozsutec 2016. The weather was excelent - sunny and not too hot. 

In a small country guesthouse  "Country Saloon Belá" gathered almost sixty participants - printers, friends, adults and children, in short - our COMMUNITY.

We started the trip early morning in part of Malá Fatra mountain named Jánošíkove diery - beautiful nature, trees and blooming flowers, fresh air, the gorge, metal walkways over the small waterfalls, ladders and chains...

After five hours of challenging walk we climbed up the mountain Veľký Rozsutec and at an altitude of 1 610 m a.s.l. we printed T-shirts.  Martin Bartos jr., who had great merit, because he brought ten T-shirts in his small backpack, has personaly printed special T-shirt for Great Bača.


When we get rest and enjoyed the wonderful view on Malá Fatra mountains (and took a group photo - of course) we descended down to the Štefanová village.

Our day trip lasted eight hours but in the evening after short relax we all met at a common dinner and enjoyed the roasted pig.

...because: "We are such a COMMUNITY".

Please visit some pictures from FILE 1 (Ľudovít) on:


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